A passion of mine that I speak about often and use as analogies in my computer training is cooking. Whether it is a comparison to holding a good knife to using the mouse or the difference between Word and Excel (stir fry Vs. Baking) I am always up for a new cooking/recipe site. Thanks to Lifehacker I discovered the site
Supercook. Now I do use my cookbooks frequently and foodie websites as well to give me new inspiration for the next meal but this particular site does something very different than the others. You input all the foods you have in the fridge and pantry and then it spits out a huge amounts of recipes. You have the option of choosing specific foods to be in your next meal. As an example I told it I wanted to cook with some spinach, it needed to be cooked or tossed, and then it went through all the other ingredients that I had and gave me a rather nice Spinach Pasta Pie recipe. It tells you if you have all the ingredients. It will also make ingredient suggestions to get the next time. There is even a printout grocery list. Everything about the site is easy and smooth. I heartily recommend it. Give it a try.
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