Many Years ago my sister and I were in an electronics store playing with the latest invention the video phone. It allowed the caller to see the person on the other end. The picture was no bigger than a postage stamp and would refresh with a new image every 5-10 seconds. We spent most of the time making faces into it and then running to each other’s machine. At that moment I thought this is the future. This is it! Little did I know that is would fail as a product. Years and years later Google has made it very easy for anyone to have not just the same experience but a better one.
Google has an add-on that makes your chat window into a video phone. Now before I go further I must say Google is not the first to do this. In fact Apple has had the iChat system for years but it is not always easy and it does require a bit of a setup. The Google version does need to be installed but it is simple. Once the application is downloaded it adds itself to your browser then when you open up Gmail it is another choice you have just like whether to email or chat with the person. You will of course need a webcam to make this happen and a PC. The apple addition will follow eventually. Many soldiers use this now so they can not only communicate with their families but seen as well. A video is far more comforting than just a voice. I recommend if you have a webcam and a PC you might as well give it a try.
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