In our house it is politics twenty four hours a day and has been that way for what feels like two long years. Every primary, every new news event, we have tried to absorb it all. We are now in the final hours just before the moment we have been waiting for all these long months, the election. PBS and YouTube have gotten together and are asking voters, Republican, Democrat, and Independents to video their voting experience. People all over the country and world are filming everything about the voting experience. When you go to
Video your Vote you see a map with a legend that explains what all the pins mean. Some represent notable voters like a Senator or celebrity voting while others are showcasing problems. By clicking on any of the pins you can watch the video from that voter. I tried out a few and was hooked. It really is exciting and interesting. Also it is not just a young crowd doing it either. The videos seem to be from people from all walks of life and experience. They have a Twitter feed as well. So if you are sick of pundits telling you how everything is going and you want an on the street viewpoint give this a try.
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